21 O Impacto do Programa "Ainda Estou a Aprender" na Fluência Leitora dos Alunos com DificuldadesAvaliação de Efetividade de Programa de Compreensão Leitora - Resultados da Intervenção no Quinto Ano Escolar 
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

BRAZ, Elaine Doroteia Hellwig    GUIMARAES, Sandra Regina Kirchner. Reading Comprehension: Effects of Explicit Teaching among 3rd Grade Students. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2021, 21, spe, pp.1683-1702. ISSN 1808-4281.  https://doi.org/10.12957/epp.2021.64041.

Reading is more than merely recognizing words. It means extracting meaning from what is read. This article presented and analyzed a pedagogical intervention focused on the explicit teaching of reading comprehension among 3rd grade students attending a state municipal school located in Curitiba, PR, Brazil. This research was a quasi-experimental study with pre and post-test, with a sample composed of 48 students: 24 from the experimental group and 24 from the control group. In the Pre-test, a Text Comprehension Test was applied, which was repeated in the Post-test (1) together with a second Comprehension Test (Post-test 2), used to assess the comprehension of the participants, excluding the possibility that the answers have been learned. The results showed significant differences in the groups' reading comprehension levels, though no significant differences were found in terms of inferential comprehension, suggesting that literal comprehension is basic when developing deeper reading comprehension. Future research should include more than one intervention module, focusing on more complex comprehension levels to assess the program's effectiveness more accurately.

: reading; reading comprehension; teaching; evaluation.

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