Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
ISSN 1808-4281
PANISSON, Gelson; GESSER, Marivete GOMES, Marcela de Andrade. Belonging and Participation in PAEFI/CREAS from the Users' Perspective. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2022, 22, 2, pp.545-565. 03--2024. ISSN 1808-4281.
This study aimed to investigate the belonging process between the Specialized Protection and Care Service for Families and Individuals (PAEFI) and its users, in order to understand the meanings attributed to their insertion and participation in this service. This qualitative research collected information through semi-structured interviews with nine people that were psychosocially cared at PAEFI in a city in the southern region of Brazil. The perspective of Historical-Cultural Psychology guided the methodological and analytical construction of the research. The meaning cores linked to the process of binding with the perception of the interviewees were: a) Context and movements in the access to the service; b) Motivations and affections related to participation in this service. The study pointed out indicators to think about the context, intersubjectivity and contradictions that involve psychosocial practices, envisioning the PAEFI as a powerful space of the construction of belonging with users. It emphasizes the importance of an ethical-political perspective focused on the participation and involvement of users in a Brazilian social assistance policy.
: social assistance; psychology; PAEFI; user; belonging..