23 2Sentidos de Intolerância Religiosa Contra Religiões Afro-brasileiras por Grupos com e sem ReligiãoA Exposição de Adolescentes ao Facebook: Uma Revisão Sistemática 
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

SIMOES, Fabrícia Prado; FRANCA, Lucia Helena de Freitas Pinho    MARTINS, Leonardo Fernandes. Gains and Losses on Retirement and Entrepreneurial Intention on Labor Court Civil Servants. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2023, 23, 2, pp.441-460.   03--2024. ISSN 1808-4281.  https://doi.org/10.12957/epp.2023.77693.

This study aimed to identify possible effects of attitudes concerning to retirement and the willing to undertake. There were 162 civil servants of the labor court offices who answered a self-administered online survey with scales about the willing to undertake, losses and gains in retirement, and entrepreneurial potential. A stepwise hierarchical multiple regression model was proposed for the first model selection. Mediation tests were used to validate the following hypotheses: H1 - Perceived gains from a new start in retirement would make a positive influence on entrepreneurial intention; H2 - the perceived losses regarding to the concrete aspects of the work would make a positive influence on the entrepreneurial intention; H3 - Higher levels of opportunity for entrepreneurship predict higher levels of entrepreneurial intention and H4 - the opportunity to undertake would work as a mediating variable between the perceived gains of a new beginning and the perceived losses concerning to the concrete aspects of the work in relation to the entrepreneurial intention outcome. Statistical results were satisfactory for the sample, and therefore it validates the four hypotheses mentioned above. Positive or negative attitudes about retirement influence the intention to entrepreneur. The opportunity for entrepreneurship plays an important role to realize it.

: retirement; attitudes; entrepreneurship; public servant..

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