23 2Terapia Centrada na Pessoa e Processo de Reorganização da Autoimagem e Autoestima: Pesquisa-Ação 
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

KYRILLOS NETO, Fuad; MARQUES, Tiago Pires    FONSECA, Thales. Banana Psychoanalysis Congress: Inaugural Evidence of Discrimination in Lacanian Institutional Policy. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2023, 23, 2, pp.786-806.   03--2024. ISSN 1808-4281.  https://doi.org/10.12957/epp.2023.77712.

This discussion is about the arrival of Lacanian thinking in Brazil and its dissemination at the Banana Psychoanalytic Congress, an inaugural milestone in which a national expression of the reproduction of political-institutional impasses in Lacanian schools can be found. A search was carried out on the website of the digital newspaper library of the National Library Foundation using as descriptors the name of the event and/or the name of its organizers, from February 1980 to December 1989. What was used as a reference for the work was the perspective of the Annales School which considers that historical writing must be guided by specific problems; the consideration of the transference as an indelible mark of research carried out by researchers of the psychoanalytic field; Ricouer's reflections upon the stages of the construction of the historiographical knowledge. The published articles present recurrently: the controversy between Lacanian psychoanalysts and those affiliated with the IPA; the search for recognition of Brazilian Lacanian analysts by the French; the proposal to discuss the national situation through psychoanalysis; the divergence between Brazilian Lacanian analysts about French tutoring in institutions that emerged in Brazil. It was proposed to consider the transferential dimension as a possibility of building an emancipatory policy in psychoanalytic institutions.

: history of psychoanalysis; psychoanalytic institutions; policy..

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