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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

 ISSN 1809-8908

NOGUEIRA, Maria Luísa Magalhães; BARROS, Vanessa Andrade de; ARAUJO, Adriana Dias Gomide    PIMENTA, Denise Aparecida Oliveira. Life-history method: in need of a encounter in accelerated times. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais []. 2017, 12, 2, pp.466-485. ISSN 1809-8908.

This article takes life-history method in order to produce an updated reflection on this instrument. Thus, we present its history, seeking to identify theoretical affiliations and interfaces, aiming to refine its possibilities and limits. Seeking to deepen into the relationship between the researcher and the one who tells his life, some considerations on the motion-time of life-history are presented. We also discuss about how memory work is a delicate task and how it is important to take considerations about the place from where we speak. The conclusions highlight three ties in the telling of a life - the objective conditions, the way they are lived, the way they are narrated - points that should be included in the research process of each researcher.

: Life-history; Memory; Place.

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