18Métodos mayormente utilizados en la selección de personal en Puerto Rico 
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Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología

 ISSN 1946-2026

GONZALEZ-RIVERA, Sofía. Dos décadas de ponencias en la Asociación de Psicología en Puerto Rico: una mirada a los sesenta y los ochenta. Rev. Puertorriq. Psicol. []. 2007, 18, pp.10-37. ISSN 1946-2026.

Contentí analysis of papers presented at the Puerto Rico Psychology Association meetings during the sixties and the eighties was performed. The sample was consisted of 82 papers, 23 were from the sixties and 59 from the eighties. Findings indicate that during the sixties three themes dominated: school-education, psychometrics, and social-community while for the eighties speakers preferred clinical, professional practice and social-community topics. In both decades theoretical and applied works stand out. The sixties were characterized by a preference for humanistic authors, neo-psychoanalysts and some behaviorists; most of the speakers were men. In the eighties, women contributed most of the papers, presenting diverse tendencies during those years where no theoretical model dominated.

: Puerto Rico Psychological Association; History.

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