1 3A orientação da psicanálise em um serviço residencial terapêutico: a casa de aposentados - uma pequena construçãoDebilidade e déficit: origens da questão no saber psiquiátrico 
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 ISSN 1983-6007

KAUFMANNER, Henri. Debilidade ou loucura: elucubrações a partir do conceito de Parlêtre. CliniCAPS []. 2007, 1, 3, pp.x-x. ISSN 1983-6007.

The concept of parlêtre expresses in an emblematic way the evolution of Lacan's teaching and the consequent change that suffers the statute of the unconscious in this teaching. This evolution happens driven by the each time more important presence of the real dimension of the body in the lacanian thought. In the text I investigate this change produced in the notion of unconscious, articulating it with the importance that the concept of lalangue begins to have in the lacanian thought and witch consequences it has to the notions of psychosis and mental disability.

: Unconscious; Psychosis; Lalangue.

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