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Gerais : Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia

 ISSN 1983-8220

NAIFF, Luciene Alves Miguez; NAIFF, Denis Giovani Monteiro; PEREIRA, Jacqueline Mary Monteiro    AVILA, Raphael Ferreira de. What do the teachers think about their students: psychosocial aspects of Education for Youth and Adults. Gerais, Rev. Interinst. Psicol. []. 2015, 8, 1, pp.19-32. ISSN 1983-8220.

Education for Youth and Adults seeks to reach not only those who could not complete their studies in regulation time but also those students who have multiple grade repetition and need to catch up. The EYA is less encouraged than other types of education and suffers major dropout on the part of students. Accordingly, in order to understand the psychosocial aspects of education aimed at young people and adults, we use the theory of social representations to identify socially shared thought of 100 teachers in this segment about their students. The results show that teachers produce a representation of the student's social EJA as a worker who struggles and tries to overcome difficulties in order to study. This happens in the long run and has the ultimate goal of making them fit for the labor market. Also, one can realize the difference that these students have from the regular students and the difficulties they face.

: Social representations; School evasion; Social identity.

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