Cadernos Brasileiros de Saúde Mental
ISSN 1984-2147
ILLISON, Jeannie Christy GODOI, Mariane Ramos de. Fantasiart: an experience. Cad. Bras. Saúde Ment. []. 2016, 8, 20, pp.252-257. ISSN 1984-2147.
This work aims to tell the story of Fantasiart, therapeutic project carried out in the Children´s CAPS II, and the benefits offered in the lives of mothers of users. The Fantasiart workshops are held during the therapeutic monitoring of their children/members. Mothers bring their knowledge and experience that can be divided and taken advantage of a workshop through productive activities. This study shows the challenges and changes of participants in process and the opportunity to acquire greater personal and financial autonomy, improved selfesteem and greater motivation to increased sales outside the workshop.
: Fantasiart; Workshop; Children´s CAPS II; Mentalhealth.