Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
ISSN 1984-6657
PEREIRA NETO, José Candido; LONDERO-SANTOS, Amanda NATIVIDADE, Jean Carlos. Teaching stressors as predictors of well-being of elementary school teachers. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. []. 2019, 19, 3, pp.679-686. ISSN 1984-6657.
Occupational stress has been shown to be a risk factor to health. This study aimed to test the predictive power of the stress factors of teaching on subjective well-being, controlling for personality factors. Participants were 188 elementary school teachers, of which 85.1% were women. The results showed that life satisfaction was explained by a stressor of teaching (career conditions) and commute time (negatively), and by career time (positively). Positive affect was explained by personality factors (extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness-positively; neuroticism-negatively), and by a stressor related to the pressures of work (negatively). Negative affect was explained by the neuroticism factor (positively), and by the stressors of teaching (inadequate disciplinary policies, different capacities and motivations of the students, bureaucratic/administrative work-positively). Beyond personality, the stressors of teaching impacted negatively on subjective well-being, above all, explaining the experience of negative affect.
: subjective well-being; stressors; teachers.