Revista Sul-Americana de Psicologia
ISSN 2318-650X
GOMES, Antonio Rui et al. Stress, cognitive appraisal, and bournout: a study with university professors. Rev. Sul-Am. Psicol. []. 2013, 1, 1, pp.1-20. ISSN 2318-650X.
This study examined three main topics: i) the experience of occupational stress and burnout among university professors; ii) the importance of cognitive appraisal processes in the experience of stress and burnout; and iii) the predictors of burnout, assuming as predictor variables occupational stress and cognitive appraisal processes. The study included 333 professors working in a public university. The evaluation protocol included measures of occupational stress, cognitive appraisal, and burnout. The results revealed significant levels of occupational stress and burnout (particularly in the dimension of emotional exhaustion); ii) teachers with a more negative evaluation of the professional activity experienced greater stress and burnout; and iii) stress and cognitive evaluation dimensions assumed to be important predictors of burnout (particularly in the dimension of emotional exhaustion). In conclusion, it was found that this activity is very stressful and that future studies should analyse in more detail the importance of cognitive appraisal processes
: Stress; Cognitive appraisal; Burnout.