1 1Influência da idade no teste de Memória Visual de Trânsito (MVT)Relato de um toxicômano: não existe resposta simples face à adictologia 
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Revista Sul-Americana de Psicologia

 ISSN 2318-650X

MIGUEL, Fabiano Koich; OGAKI, Henrique Abe; INABA, Clara Maki    RIBEIRO, Daniela de Oliveira. Emotional perception and intelligence: Contributions to the CHC model. Rev. Sul-Am. Psicol. []. 2013, 1, 1, pp.36-47. ISSN 2318-650X.

The purpose of this research was to study the relation between an emotional perception test, a branch of emotional intelligence, and tests of verbal and abstract reasoning. The three are performance tests with correct answers. Participants were 347 people, with 75.79% females. Scores of the three instruments were analyzed using classic tests theory and Rasch model. The correlations were significant and similar for the two types of measurement, with the general score of emotional perception correlating moderately with verbal reasoning (r=.38) and abstract reasoning (r=.36). The factor scores of emotional perception tended to correlate the same way, albeit with slight lower indices. The results suggest coherence with the three stratum model of intelligence (CHC), which proposes emotional recognition as an ability of specific knowledge (Gkn)

: emotional intelligence; psychological assessment; test validity.

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