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vol.31 número1Associação da depressão materna, composição da família e pobreza com os cuidados maternos e a saúde física de crianças no primeiro ano de vida índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282versão On-line ISSN 2175-3598


BARROS, Monalisa Nascimento dos et al. COVID-19 Fear Scale - Validation and adaptation for the perinatal period. J. Hum. Growth Dev. [online]. 2021, vol.31, n.1, pp.9-17. ISSN 0104-1282.

INTRODUCTION: The comprehensive effects on the mental health of the population due to the rapid global spread of COVID-19 are even more harmful to specific groups of individuals, including pregnant women. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the psychometric properties of the COVID-19 Fear Scale for Perinatal Period (EMC19-9) METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study with 204 pregnant women. Participants were recruited online through social networks. The criteria for participation in the research were: pregnant and aged 18 years or older. An electronic form was filled out, which included the preliminary Portuguese version of the COVID-19 Fear Scale (EMC19), containing the seven items in the original version and the two additional items related to pregnancy and baby, socio-demographic, psychosocial and related to pregnancy, as well as the validated Brazilian versions of the Perinatal Depression Screening Scale and the Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale. The SPSS version 26 statistical package was used. For parametric measures, Pearson's coefficient and Student's T and non-parametric - Mann Whitney's U. And the magnitude of the correlation coefficients with perinatal anxiety and depression symptoms, Cohen's criteria. AMOS 26.0 was used for confirmatory factor analysis. For internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha. RESULTS: The results indicate that EMC-19-9 is a one-dimensional construct, has robust psychometric qualities, very good internal consistency of the questionnaire and shows convergent validity, has a moderate and significant correlation with perinatal anxiety and a significant, albeit slight, correlation with perinatal depression. CONCLUSION: the Covid-19 Fear Scale for the Perinatal Period (EMC-19-9) has robust psychometric qualities and convergent validity. EMC-19-9 is a reliable and valid tool to assess the severity of fear of COVID-19 among women in the perinatal period in Brazil.

Palavras-chave : fear; Covid-19; scale; validation; adaptation.

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