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vol.26 número59Polifonias: Canções para conversar índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica

versão impressa ISSN 0104-7841versão On-line ISSN 2594-4363


PALMER, Hugh. Fourfold Vision in Practice: Data, Theory, Intuition and the Art of Therapy. Nova perspect. sist. [online]. 2017, vol.26, n.59, pp.6-21. ISSN 0104-7841.

This paper describes the use of a therapeutic approach that has been inspired by the work of Gregory Bateson and the concept of ‘Fourfold Vision’ described by the poet and mystic, William Blake. The fourfold vision approach incorporates the use of data, theory and intuition within an aesthetic process. It offers a way of thinking about elements of practice as being equally important interconnected parts of an aesthetic whole rather than separate parts or domains that all need to be attended to in a formal or rigid structure. Significantly, this approach offers a means of incorporating the inner experience of the therapist, including intuition, within a coherent process that also incorporates theory and data. The four ways of seeing interact to create an iterative unfolding. Conveying a shift from parts and wholes to relationships and processes is so tricky! A case study is provided that offers some signposts to how fourfold vision can be used to reflect upon and inform practice.

Palavras-chave : Gregory Bateson; Cybernetic Epistemology; Aesthetics; Systemic Therapy; Intuition; Self of the Therapist.

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