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Salud & Sociedad: investigaciones en psicologia de la salud y psicologia social

versão On-line ISSN 0718-7475


FORMIGA, Nilton S.. Ethic socialization, anomic feeling and deviant conduct: verification of a theorethical model in young. Salud & Sociedad [online]. 2012, vol.3, n.1, pp.32-48. ISSN 0718-7475.

Juvenile delinquency has been explained by psychological and sociological variables; due to the complexity of this problem, it is required, a reading from a psychosocial understanding. This should address the role of moral values and actions of institutional control, which, weakened as the establishment of a socially desirable behavior and transmission of an ethical and moral, then, are responsible for the emergence of an anomic state of feeling, consecutively, of deviant behavior. This study aims to investigate the association between socialization ethics, and anomic feeling deviant behavior. Two hundred and thirty-five youth from 13 to 20 years, male and female, responded to the scale of anomic feeling of antisocial and criminal behavior and youth belief on the efforts of parents to transmit moral values and ethical principles . There was a positive association of feeling anomic and deviant conduct, associating with them negatively the ethic socialization.

Palavras-chave : Socialization ethics; Anomie; Deviant conducts; Adolescents.

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