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Pensando familias
versão impressa ISSN 1679-494X
SANINI, Cláudia; SANTOS, Lisandra das Neves e SATTLER, Marli Kath. Narrative therapy, neuroplasticity and their connections. Pensando fam. [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.2, pp.272-284. ISSN 1679-494X.
This work investigates how narrative therapy can stimulate neuroplasticity, with basis on the construction of alternative histories, thus promoting psychological and behavioral changes. A literature review was carried out to analyze the contribution, theoretical and practical, arising from the relationship between neuroplasticity and alternative histories. It was noticed that this interface has been little studied as a unified theme. In narrative therapy, the therapist helps the patient to look at details of his/her history so far unnoticed, bringing new stimuli and allowing the patient to recall his/her alternative history, over and over again. This contributes to a resignification of his/her history and the development of new thoughts and feelings, which will result in behavioral changes. The experience of the process of creating and recalling such alternative history, activates brain’s neuroplasticity, establishing new neural connections and contributing to healthy and functional changes in the patient's life.
Palavras-chave : Narrative therapy; Neuroplasticity; Alternative histories; Behavioral changes.