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Estudos de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0100-3437versão On-line ISSN 2175-3482


SARTORI, João Eduardo Torrecillas  e  CECCARELLI, Paulo Roberto. Oedipus and castration complexes: heteronormative devices? Subversivities and conservatisms in psychoanalysis. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2021, n.56, pp.175-185. ISSN 0100-3437.

Freud criticized social norms, especially in the sexual moral sphere. Certain subversive Freudian concepts are still usable today in criticisms of the normativity named by Butler (1990), decades later, heterosexual matrix. But, not problematizing some of his statements, Freud reduced the subversiveness of some of his concepts. In this article, two Freudian works were analysed, one from 1924 and the other from 1925, discussing Freud's statements related to the conceptualization of the Oedipus and castration complexes, in order to investigate whether these concepts act as heteronormative devices. Although the consideration of Freud as someone who directly essentialized the gender consists of an anachronism, his concepts of complexes would have been essentialized and, then, a recent uncritical mobilization of certain Freudian statements would contribute to the heteronormativity

Palavras-chave : Freud; Sexuality; Psychoanalysis; Oedipus.

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