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vol.35 issue55Baixio das Bestas and Febre do Rato: two films of Cláudio Assis - different paths for the excess of livingReliance, or maternal erotism author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 0101-3106


NISKIER, Clarice. "SOPHROSYNE". Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.55, pp.195-201. ISSN 0101-3106.

This article is a praise to the excess that unveils our fantasies and allows our moral and spiritual improvement through the creative process. The theatrical repetition is understood as a ritual for purification of our instincts, thoughts and feelings. However, even conscious and accustomed to formulate its excesses, the artist itself is not safe from the attractions of expenditures and dominant ideologies that muddle our human values and make us giddy. The actress admits to be stressed, exhausted by her own "ego", and finds herself obliged to appeal to "sophrosyne", to recover her just measurement beneath the dust of the routine.

Keywords : Process; Synthesis; Improvement; Purification; Consciousness; Fall; Emptiness; Ideology; Fantasy; Fire; September 11th; Crystal glasses; Measurement.

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