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vol.40 issue73Reflections about the interpretation and its relations with the psychoanalytical theory and clinicRelationship between theory and practice: the issue of interpretation author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Jornal de Psicanálise

Print version ISSN 0103-5835


NINA, Milton Della. Drawing with Winnicott: the interpretation incarnated. J. psicanal. [online]. 2007, vol.40, n.73, pp.157-168. ISSN 0103-5835.

The author, as in a “Squiggle Game”, dialogues with Winnicott’s ideas about interpretation in psychoanalysis. The interpretation, as a communication within the analytic duet, is considered as a process; within it Winnicott’s view on primitive emotional development can be captured. The interpretation is understood as a modifier of subjectivity and always comes from the patient’s contribution, what is called ‘unconscious collaboration’. The interpretation is considered as a four-hands construction. It is a factor of affective and cognitive transformation in potential space of creativity, and a transitional object developed in the intersubjective culture. Time is carefully observed within the transference’s encounter adjustment, where the pace of the patient is considered. Taking into account the interpretation as part of the potential space, it can also be an object of play. It is a hypothesis to be examined with the patient and an impediment to one’s submission. Thus, dogmatism is avoided. Over his papers, Winnicott reveals a great confidence in the patient’s possibility of development. In the ‘gained capacity of the analyst’, there is a paradox: to maintain analysis’s continuity while assisting the patient to be separated and to finish analysis. Therefore, it is expected that each interpretation can integrate this contradiction. Finally, the expression ‘love for subjectivity’ of the patient and of oneself is identified. Being oneself the analyst can help the other person to exist as a present person in a always surprising human relationship, so difficult to sustain.

Keywords : Interpretation; Analytical process; Subjectivity; Transitional object; Creativity.

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