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Jornal de Psicanálise

Print version ISSN 0103-5835


NAFFAH NETO, Alfredo  and  INADA, Jaqueline Feltrin. Obsessive actions and traumatic experiences by Freud and Winnicott: a case study. J. psicanal. [online]. 2016, vol.49, n.91, pp.127-141. ISSN 0103-5835.

The author discusses the relation between obsessive actions and traumatic experiences in Freud's and Winnicott's work by studying a clinical case in which that issue arose. The symptomatology of this clinical structure is formed as a resource which enables the ego to handle a situation that evokes danger. According to Freud, this dangerous situation is always connected to infantile sexual abuse, which is forbidden, repressed, and generates anguish and obsessive symptoms in order to eliminate the traumatic event (which caused those symptoms). Winnicott considers that, although the Oedipus complex plays a central role, the emphasis of danger is shifted to the aggressive-destructive impulses. Those impulses are disguised by a confusion, unconsciously maintained in the inner world, and by a dissociation of the mental sphere of the subject, who compulsively attempts to rearrange outside what remains (and must remain) confused inside.

Keywords : obsessive actions; traumatic experience; clinical case; Freud; Winnicott.

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