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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282versão On-line ISSN 2175-3598


CALLADO, Alex Nunes; BEZERRA, Italla Maria Pinheiro; SOUSA, Luiz Vinícius de Alcantara  e  ABREU, Luiz Carlos de. Mortality and hospitalization for liver disease in the Western Amazon from 2008 to 2017. J. Hum. Growth Dev. [online]. 2021, vol.31, n.1, pp.116-124. ISSN 0104-1282.

INTRODUCTION: As liver diseases (LDs) occur as liver damage takes place, their causes are variable and mostly caused by viruses and alcohol intake. The cases of LDs have increased significantly; they are also charged with mortality rates and hospitalizations. OBJECTIVE: to analyze mortality and hospitalizations due to LDs in the Western Amazon. METHODS: Ecological study with time series design using secondary data related to deaths and hospital admissions for LDs in the Western Amazon. RESULTS: The number of cases of mortality due to male diseases is higher in men, considering the period from 2008 to 2017. The study results also show that the affected patients are mostly over 50 and under 20 years old, who are the least likely to die. Regarding hospitalization rates, male patients have the highest number of hospitalizations and are not different from mortality; patients over the age of 50 also represent the largest hospitalization cases. CONCLUSION: There is a tendency towards stability in cases of mortality and hospitalization due to liver diseases in the Western Amazonia.

Palavras-chave : mortality; hospitalization; disease; incidence.

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