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vol.50 número1O homem, a psicanálise e o novo século índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0486-641X


FRANCO FILHO, Odilon de Mello. When the psychoanalyst is a target of the patient’s "magic": considerations on the unconscious communication of patient’s mental state to the psychoanalyst. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2016, vol.50, n.1, pp.239-260. ISSN 0486-641X.

This paper attempts to keep track of the intersubjective processes which may support certain analyst’s emotional states. The author emphasizes the occurrence of projective identifications by the patient, which could explain those states. Often invoking the concept of projective identification as an explaining factor has not only enhanced its range, but also changed the original meaning - a fantasy - which was attributed to it by Melanie Klein. Due to that inappropriate and misleading enhancement of the explaining power of the concept, other processes whose presence would be responsible for some emotional reactions, or even some analyst’s actions, must be investigated. Some alternative ways, which have already been investigated in the psychoanalytic literature, are discussed. The value of this kind of discussion is found in the importance of providing conceptual apparatus to the psychoanalytic field; conceptual apparatus which are able to approach clinical processes in their dynamics. In this way, we avoid simple phenomenological explanations which end up providing a magical (or even esoteric) aspect to the session. The attention to these interactional aspects in the analysis unavoidably brings in the confrontation among the conceptions which favor the intersubjective plan in the psychoanalytic situation. Conducting the matter in this way demonstrates that, if we handle certain approach and its correlative concepts, we must coherently conform them to other set of concepts which belong to the theoretical plot with which we identify. Without being aware of this, we risk to transform psychoanalytic theory and method into a puzzle whose pieces will never form a coherent picture.

Palavras-chave : projective identification; patientanalyst communication; unconscious fantasies; intersubjectivity.

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