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SARRIERA, Jorge Castellá et al. Personal well-being of parents and children and their aspirated values. Aletheia [online]. 2012, n.37, pp.91-104. ISSN 1413-0394.

The personal well-being of adolescents is a subject of growing interest in the scientific literature, especially considering the scarcity of articles that consider adolescent's points of view. This study aims to analyze the relationships between personal well-being of parents and children and their aspirated values. The sample consists of 543 adolescents aged 12 to 16 years, of both sexes, and their parents or guardians. The Personal Well-Being Index (PWI) is used to measure personal well-being, while the Aspiration Index is used to measure aspired values of both groups. A discriminant function was obtained between parents and children gathering the personal wellbeing variables significantly towards children, and gathering the variables of humanistic values discriminate in favor of parents, without differentiating material values, skill and knowledge's values. These results contribute to the discussion on the transmission of values and well-being in the family context.

Palavras-chave : Values; Subjective well-being; Adolescence.

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