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Temas em Psicologia

Print version ISSN 1413-389X


BENDASSOLLI, Pedro F.  and  BORGES-ANDRADE, Jairo Eduardo. Entrepreneurial performance in creative industries: proposing a theoretical model. Temas psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.21, n.1, pp.105-120. ISSN 1413-389X.

In recent decades, governments and research institutes have shown growing interest in the development of creative industries. These are industries that produce goods, products and services of a symbolic nature endowed with both economic and cultural value. In Brazil, they already answer for approximately 10 percent of the Gross Domestic Product GDP and are important employers. Professionals active in these industries play an strategic role as they innovate, transform creativity into valuable works and services, and lead the industries' development. This paper aims to provide the fundamentals of a theoretical model of the entrepreneurial performance of creative professionals. The model is based on hypothetical- deductive logic and uses the following constructs as antecedent, mediating or moderating variables: individualism and collectivism, centrality of work, self-regulation, entrepreneurial skills, activity sector, and demographic variables. In addition to theoretically and operationally discussing these constructs, the paper offers recommendations for researchers interested in empirically testing the proposed model.

Keywords : Creative industries; performance; entrepreneurship; creative professionals.

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