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vol.10 número19O conflito entre o consciente e o inconsciente na gravidez não planejadaPsicanálise, ciência cognitiva e neurociência: notas para uma interlocução sobre o corpo pensante índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1415-1138


MOHALLEM, José Carlos G.. Psychoanalysis and hermeneutic: an approach to the work of Fabio Herrmann. Psyche (Sao Paulo) [online]. 2006, vol.10, n.19, pp.169-178. ISSN 1415-1138.

This article aims at approximating Psychoanalysis and Hermeneutic trough some concepts from the work of Fabio Hermann. For that, it critics views that conceive Psychoanalysis as a positive science, defending, on the other hand, its relationship to the arts, in particular to what concerns the interpretative work. Through this approach it makes sure that the discipline initiated by Freud recuperates its critical-heuristic potential, lost by some more rigid visions of analytic theory and practice.

Palabras clave : Psychoanalysis; Hermeneutic; Fabio Herrmann; Positive science; Interpretation.

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