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vol.14 número3Estágios de mudança: correlação entre duas formas de avaliaçãoA importância da supervisão de estágio clínico para o desenvolvimento de competências em terapia cognitivo-comportamental índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia: teoria e prática

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3687


MORI, Valéria Deusdará  e  REY, Fernando González. Health as subjective process: a necessary reflection. Psicol. teor. prat. [online]. 2012, vol.14, n.3, pp.140-152. ISSN 1516-3687.

In this article, we discuss the subjective unfolding of health and disease processes based on the theory of subjectivity developed by González Rey from a historical cultural standpoint. We aim to offer a reflection on the organization of this processe subjectively determined and organized on the person experience as subject that constitutes and is constituted by social and individual subjectivity. We analyze the importance of the subject category to recognize the person as active regarding their options in relation to health. As well as the category subjective sense that points uniqueness of the subjective processes. Assuming a critical reflection on the standardization of health and the type of practice we aim as health professionals.

Palavras-chave : health; subjectivity; social; subject; sense.

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