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Revista Psicologia Política

Print version ISSN 1519-549XOn-line version ISSN 2175-1390


FERREIRA NETO, João Leite  and  KIND, Luciana. The production of health and subjectivities in SUS users narratives. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.38, pp.166-180. ISSN 1519-549X.

The authors presente a qualitative research involving SUS users whom are considered by his or her family health team as "active, critical, engaged and supportive", as subjectivity production is characterized in the National Health Promotion Policy. The aim of this paper is to discuss the users' life trajectories and daily life, identifying forms of subjectivation processes related to the production of health. Nine SUS users, one of each of the nine health districts of Belo Horizonte, were indicated by their Family Health Teams, being guided by the subjectivity characteristics described in the PNPS. Unstructured inter-views were conducted, triggered by the presentation of the research and then by the question: "what do you think of being nominated by your health team?" Data analysis has emphasized the narrative aspects of the interviews, seeking to identify the production of "active, critical, engaged and supportive" subjectivities in the SUS context, the relation between the production of subjectivities and the production of health. Multiple trajectories were identified on the emergency of modes of subjectivation. The importance of the proximity with the SUS as an element that strengthens the production of health and subjectivities is highlighted.

Keywords : Citizen participation; Unified Health System, Family Health Strategy; Health pro-motion; Personal Narratives.

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