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vol.10 número25Apuntes y pincelazos sobre la práctica de la orientación educativa curricular en México durante los siglos XVIII y la magra modernidad de los siglos XIX y XXNace Brújula en Mano (1996), un espacio de orientación educativa en el cuadrante índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mexicana de Orientación Educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1665-7527


PACHECO, Ana Luz Flores. La conformación del campo de la Orientación Educativa siglos XIX y XX en México. Rev. Mex. Orient. Educ. [online]. 2013, vol.10, n.25, pp.24-32. ISSN 1665-7527.

This work aims towards the consolidation of the field of Educational Guidance; to that end, it analyzes the debates that took place during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries around the educational policies, the measures concerning hygiene, as well as the disciplines that preceded them; it also deals with some of the conflicts involved in the practice and intellectual production of Educational Guidance. The concept of field of Educational Guidance recounts the forces and conflicts that have existed in the construction of its intellectual production, as much as in the diversity of its practices. Following such reasoning, an overview is made of some of the debates and the medical, political and educational circumstances, with a special emphasis on Hygienic Pedagogical Congresses as the cradle of Educational Guidance. Along the way two scopes of Educational Guidance can be envisioned; one that serves as a disciplinary device, another, which emerges from more humanistic positions, that consider it as a companion of a subject within the educational environment.

Palavras-chave : Educational Guidance; Field; Educational Counselor; Hygienic Pedagogical Congresses.

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