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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


ALMEIDA, Beatriz Helena Martins de. Making a name in the public realm: the dimension of the public in psychoses. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2015, n.31, pp.41-52. ISSN 1676-157X.

This article sets to outline two distinct Lacanian approaches to psychoses. It argues that a successful promotion of the Ideal signifier in the signifying chain of delirium or other inventions, such as those through the arts, for example, or even the passage to the act, provided they bring the proper name to the public, can function as a replacement for the lack of the paternal signifier. Furthermore, taking advantage of Julien's contribution, and based on Lacan's quotes, it seeks to emphasize the importance of the role of acknowledgement. It is an acknowledgement which, through a retroactive effect from the field of the Other, of a name that is made public, allows the tying up of the registers made by the sinthome, and also the effects of the subject in the social field. We may designate this as the authoring function. An authoring process which is only recognized once it reaches the public sphere. The public makes the artist and promotes the social bond.

Keywords : Psychosis; Phallus; Proper name; Sinthome; Social bond.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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