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vol.25 número2"Protección y seguridad a la población, pero no al conjunto": sentidos y significados acerca de la policía militar y sus atribuciones a los estudiantes de psicologíaPrácticas grupales con jóvenes que promueven buenos encuentros y salud ético-política índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia em Revista

versión impresa ISSN 1677-1168


ALBUQUERQUE, Renan  y  . Ethical-political suffering of indigenous sateré-maué and hixcariana peoples who migrate from their original land. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2019, vol.25, n.2, pp.838-856. ISSN 1677-1168.

This article aimed at bringing into consideration the suffering of groups that are forced to migrate to urban spaces in the Amazon area, breaking up their relations with the land. We have used analytical categories of two research groups from Brazilian universities and presented reports of psychological distress experienced by Sateré-Maué and Hixcariana indigenous people, in the Amazonas State, after migrating to the city boundaries. Ethnography was applied as the methodology of collection and the analysis was carried out under categories of sociohistorical Psychology. Results suggest that the social inequality experienced by indigenous peoples goes through the sufferings experienced in the city, being characterized as an ethical-political suffering. The concept of health and the category of common, on this paper, proved to be forms of power for these peoples to live in an urban context.

Palabras clave : Ethical-political suffering; Indigenous peoples; Sociohistorical Psychology.

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