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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

On-line version ISSN 1808-4281


ALMEIDA, Sara Guerra Carvalho de  and  MORAIS, Normanda Araujo de. Expectations related to the family reintegration: A study with adolescents with street history, relatives and social educators. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2016, vol.16, n.2, pp.508-528. ISSN 1808-4281.

This study aimed to analyze the expectations about family (FR) reintegration of institutionalized adolescents with street history from the perspective of three categories of participants (five adolescents, five relatives and two social educators), who responded to a semi-structured interview a month before these adolescents' departure from the host institution and, therefore, their return to their homes and relatives'. Content analysis of interviews showed that expectations of teens tend to be more positive than those of their family and social educators. However, adolescents described themselves scared, insecure and eager to return home. Still, it was found that teens mentioned the desire to reconnect with the family and that family members and educators stressed the difficulties and limitations of context (drug use, homelessness and violence in the community). The three categories of participants, however, have cited the importance of the program "young Apprentice" for reinsertion. It is concluded that the importance of listening to these three important actors of the RF process stands out, as well as the importance of prior preparation of adolescents and their families, so that reinsertion is not bound to the physical reunification, but involves a teenagers' psychological reunification with their families and vice versa.

Keywords : family reintegration; institutionalization; street situation; adolescents; family.

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