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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

On-line version ISSN 1808-4281


MOTA, Ana Maria Del Grossi Ferreira; CARA, Bianca dos Santos  and  MIRANDA, Rodrigo Lopes. History of Psychology, why?. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2018, vol.18, n.spe, pp.1049-1067. ISSN 1808-4281.

Frequently, the psychologist-historian of Psychology finds himself faced with the question, addressed by his peers or students: why should we study the History of Psychology? Textbooks on the History of Psychology reserve some sections to present such justifications to their readers, indeed. Therefore, we aim to give an answer to that question, based on the hypothesis that the History of Psychology is a tool for understanding ruptures and permanencies of Psychological phenomena in the history, and this understanding helps us to build up a more critical view of the present. In order to achieve that goal, two examples of historical issues in Brazilian Psychology - that are still contemporary - are presented: (a) the definition of fields of application and their techniques, and (b) normative discourses and practices with homosexual people. Thus, from such examples that allow us to see history in Psychology and also Psychology in history, we conclude that the History of Psychology would contribute for a more critical analysis of the present. Therefore, it is necessary to research in History of Psychology and to teach its history, for a critical formation of the Brazilian psychologist.

Keywords : History of Psychology; Social History of Psychology; Teaching of History of Psychology.

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