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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica

Print version ISSN 1809-6867


ANTUNEZ, Andrés Eduardo Aguirre  and  WONDRACEK, Karin Hellen Kepler. Phenomenology in Michel Henry: implications in psychopathology and psychotherapy. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2012, vol.18, n.1, pp.3-12. ISSN 1809-6867.

Phenomenology in Michel Henry is characterized by the reporting of all movements of the subjective life to their original ground of primordial affect. It is by the declension of affect that intentionality, conscience, and all transcendental reports of the subject are simultaneously phenomena lived in the two-fold dimension of suffering/joy. The implications of this phenomenology are of special interest to the health sciences, namely psychopathology and psychotherapy. The essence of our activity arrests itself with the phenomenological possibility of the passage from suffering to joy of life. It is in this context that Henrys phenomenology enters into Brazil (EST/USP): we attend to the passage of the power of feeling (to suffer affect) to the feeling of power (to enjoy affect). With us as investigative partners is the group "What can a body do?" coordinated by Florinda Martins of CEFi, which since the 1980s has worked with the phenomenology of life, in direct articulation with medicine and the body's role in redefining phenomenology. The primordial pathos is the affect in life that becomes a paradigm of the therapeutic relationship. In the phenomenology of life, melancholy or psychic traumas are clinically and anthropologically resignified, opening new therapeutic possibilities in the relationship between phenomenology and psychotherapies, especially in the dimensions of the originary and irrepresentable.

Keywords : Phenomenology of life; Ipseity; Suffering; Psychopathology; Psychotherapy.

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