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vol.14 número1Refugiados e migrantes: interfaces entre integração social e políticas públicasComparação de comportamentos maternos e infantis diferenciados pelo sexo, escolaridade e problemas de comportamento índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Gerais : Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1983-8220


DEUS, Meiridiane Domingues de; SCHMITZ, Mariana Effting de Sousa  e  VIEIRA, Mauro Luís. Family, gender and work hours: a systematic review of the literature. Gerais, Rev. Interinst. Psicol. [online]. 2021, vol.14, n.1, pp.1-28. ISSN 1983-8220.

This study aimed to investigate the scientific production international that relate the themes family, gender and work hours published during the period of 2012 to 2016. A systematic search was conducted in the databases SciELO, Lilacs, APA PsycNet, Scopus and Web of Science through the descriptors family, gender, and work hours and their correspondents in Spanish and Portuguese. There were selected 12 studies, which integrated the final sample of this systematic review. It was found that mothers are primarily responsible for the household activities and care of children, which evidences the gender inequality in the roles of fathers and mothers in the family environment. It is noteworthy that the work hours have implications in the performance of parental functions, in relation to the mental and physical health of the parents, decreased leisure time and lower quality of time in the assistance and care of children.

Palavras-chave : Family; Gender; Work hours; Systematic review.

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