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vol.8 número1Formação em Psicologia no Brasil: Aspectos Históricos e Desafios ContemporâneosEscola “sem” Partido: Enfrentamentos e Desafios para a Formação em Psicologia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia Ensino & Formação

versão impressa ISSN 2177-2061versão On-line ISSN 2179-5800


GALVAO, Pollianna; CARVALHO, Tatiana Oliveira de  e  MATOS, Daniel Carvalho de. School Psychology in Maranhão: History of Training and Current Performance Trends. Psicol. Ensino & Form. [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.1, pp.16-31. ISSN 2177-2061.

This article discusses historical aspects about the education in School Psychology in Maranhão, from documentary sources and locally produced literature of the area. In order to carry out a critical and contextualized analysis upon the insertion of such matter in Maranhão’s scenario, it will be necessary to consider factors related to the national trajectory of Psychology and its ramifications for education and performance in the regional scenario. In the first part, it will be presented historical information on the training in Psychology in Maranhão, within the context of Psychology in Brazil. Secondly, the panorama of education of school psychologists in Maranhão will be discussed: transformations occurred through the last decades in the context of Higher Education Institutions will be highlighted, with focus on the Federal University of Maranhão and CEUMA University. Finally, it will construct some reflections over training trends and challenges, regarding the regional demands of school psychologists, based on data from the Regional Council of Psychology in Maranhão.

Palavras-chave : school psychology; history; formation; performance.

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