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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

versión On-line ISSN 2316-5197


ALMEIDA, Marcella de Paula; LIMA, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de  y  ROURE, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de. Listening to Deaf Subjects in the Psychoanalytic Clinic. Analytica [online]. 2020, vol.9, n.17, pp.1-23. ISSN 2316-5197.

The interest of psychoanalysis in understanding the reflexes of deafness in the psyche is still recent and little discussed and researched. The present article aimed to understand the specificities that deafness can bring throughout the process of psychic constitution and how the management of the psychoanalytic technique can be a voice channel for these silenced and marginalized subjects. From birth, the psychic constitution of a baby requires the physical and affective presence of its caregivers. Nevertheless, with the birth of a deaf child, the parents usually have difficulties and resistances in dealing with the breakdown of their fantasies, not adequately supplying the physical and affective needs of the baby. This situation can lead to specificities in the psychic constitution of these deaf subjects. In addition, the early insertion in a language, in the Sign Language, is fundamental for the psychic and cognitive constitution of the deaf child, but not all the parents can perceive in time the importance of this insertion. The lack of listening to their demands by the caregivers causes several difficulties and failures in the process of psychic constitution. The psychic suffering triggered by this silencing and the difficulty of communication is often neglected even by the psychological sciences. In this sense, we also understand that psychoanalysis would play a political role vis-a-vis society, since it would allow the listening of those subjects silenced and excluded due to deafness. Much as Freud did in his time by providing listening to hysterical and silenced women in the society of the late nineteenth century. But adjustments to the analytical setting are needed.

Palabras clave : Psychic constitution; Psichoanalysis; Deafness.

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