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Revista Subjetividades

Print version ISSN 2359-0769On-line version ISSN 2359-0777


ALMEIDA, Pollyana Silveira de  and  FERNANDES, Andréa Hortélio. The Adolescent Subject and the Body: A Psychoanalytic Reading. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.spe2, pp.1-12. ISSN 2359-0769.

The question of childhood and what remains of children in the structure of the subject has been raised since Freud and is shared by several authors until today. What about the "teenage guy"? What can you say about its relationship with the unconscious? It is understood that the term "adolescent subject", although not used by the canons, is in line with the teaching of Freud and Lacan on the unconscious structured like a language. While the adolescent (pubescent) individual indicates a person who is in a certain age group (not unanimous), in which biological transformations are expected, the adolescent subject indicates the effect, the response to the impasses of human life that are manifested through training unconscious. However, there is no way not to face the issue of pubertal changes at a certain time in life. It is proposed that adolescence extends to puberty, in the sense of having points of convergence with it, but, at the same time, not being entirely circumscribed by anatomy physiological transformations. Because of this, some questions become pertinent, especially after more than a century of the publication of Freud's Three Essays, in which the author speaks of puberty based on biological markers, but also beyond them, highlighting the demands of subjectivation work, which impose themselves with bodily transformations. Thus, this work starts with the following questions: how to articulate this diachronic temporal passage that promotes biological maturation to the logical temporality of adolescence? What is the teenage body? And what about the encounter with the Other's body?

Keywords : adolescence; body; subject; Other.

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