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Print version ISSN 1729-4827On-line version ISSN 2233-7666

Liberabit vol.15 no.1 Lima June 2009




It has been fifteen years since LIBERABIT magazine was first published and it would be of great importance to recall its evolution.

1993 was the year of academic and institutional launch of the Professional Psychology School under the management of Dr. Johan Leuridan Huys, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Tourism and Psychology.

Two years later, in 1995, Volume 1 was edited as VERITAS the Psychology magazine, and this would become the emblematic publication of the school. This name was kept until Volume 3, 1997. There was an anecdote that year; the San Martin de Porres University edited its own publication, giving it the same name, VERITAS, based on the fact that the slogan of our university is: “VERITAS LIBERABIT VOS”.

For that reason, the Psychology magazine had to change the name; to keep close to the legacy it was decided to take the name LIBERABIT beginning from Volume 4, 1998, the one that continues up to date.

The magazine had a yearly continuity until the present year in which, due to the editorial growth, it became a six month publishing. There have been fourteen publications since.

In 2005 a new editorial policy was set for LIBERABIT. Because of the participation in different international events, mainly those organized by the Union Latinoamericana de Entidades de Psicologia (ULAPSI) and the Federacion Iberoamericana de Psicologia (FIAP), the importance of giving visibility to the scientific production of psychologists was recognized passing the national borders.

One of the most operative ways to achieve this commitment is the inclusion in international catalogues and data bases.

For those reasons, it is necessary to raise the editorial quality so that we could reach the required standards by the scientific community.

As a consequence, in 2006, LIBERABIT was indexed in the Base de Datos Bibliografica de Psicologia, Psicodoc, directed by the Colegio Oficial de Psicologos of Madrid, Spain.

In 2007, this magazine was included in the Sistema Regional de Informacion en Linea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal, Latindex, Mexico; in the Red de Revistas Cientificas de America Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal, Redalyc, Mexico; and in Periodicos Electronicos en Psicologia, Pepsic, Brasil.

In 2008, it was included in the Biblioteca Virtual de Salud de la Union Latinoamericana de Entidades de Psicologia, BVS-Ulapsi, Brasil; in the Portal de Difusion de la Produccion Cientifica Hispana, Dialnet, Spain; in the Directory of Open Access Journals, Doaj, Sweden; in the Catalogo de Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Clase, México; in the Electronic Scientific Library online, Scielo, Brasil-Perú; in the Red Peruana de Bibliotecas en Salud, Lipecs-Repebis; in the Red de Literatura Latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Salud, Lilacs, Brasil; and in the Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas, e-revistas, Spain.

At the present year, 2009, we are in the process of evaluation by APA Databases-American Psychological Association, Psycinfo, United States and in Scopus-Elsevier, Holland.

In this way, from Volume 13, 2007, LIBERABIT is also available in electronic format, in whole text.

For those reasons, all the articles proposed for publication pass through a strict process of arbitrage by relevant personalities of the National Scientific Committee and the International Scientific Committee as well.

All visualization has given rewards, as probe of that LIBERABIT receives articles not only from different National Institutions but also from other countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil, Spain, France and Germany too.

What gives the editorial group force to continue in this development is to locate LIBERABIT in the context of the best publications of its gender in Iberoamerica.

The Editorial Committee wishes to express its recognition to the collaborators and to the members of the Scientific Committee for the confidence and, in special; to our Dean for the great support given to this mission.

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