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vol.8 número2Resultados del acompañamiento de los usuarios del Centro de Atención Psicosocial - Alcohol y Drogas (CAPS - AD) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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SMAD. Revista eletrônica saúde mental álcool e drogas

versión On-line ISSN 1806-6976

SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) vol.8 no.2 Ribeirão Preto ago. 2012




The SMAD journal in its eighth year of existence is presenting its new fascicle - the number 2



Ana Maria Pimenta Carvalho



Co-editor of the SMAD, Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool e Drogas, and Associate Professor of the Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil, e-mail:



At the end of the year 2012 the magazine has undergone major changes in the composition of its editorial board and also in form of conduct the process of article submission. Then, in 2013 started up a new dynamic in which everything occurs within the system that manages the magazine. There is no more sending of the articles by email as well as opinions. Thus authors can track the submission process independently without contact by phone or email.

This is an important mark for a journal that aims to advance in the quality and coverage levels.

However there are still challenges placed for the editorial board of the journal since the entry of articles for evaluation is great and assessment process is still slow. Three main challenges stand out to achieve a more acceptable level of agility. The first is to raise researchers who can work effectively in the task of issuing ad hoc opinions. Although the staff of consultants is widespread it's believed that the increasing involvement of these researchers teachers in their daily activities make it difficult the acceptance of another task that takes time. The second challenge is to give visibility to this work beyond what is done today. There is no concrete suggestion, but it's need to think about it. And last, but perhaps the most important and result of the previous two, is to put the magazine on time. The numbers published in the current year refer to the year 2012.

The current number features articles aimed at supporting the process of professional training for nurses to work in the field of Mental Health . Under this theme the research stand out: HELP RELATIONSHIP WITH PSYCHIATRIC PATIENT: BEYOND THE MEDICAL PARADIGM, of the authors Renata Marques de Oliveira and Antonia Regina Ferreira Furegato and THE NURSE AND THE EDUCATION IN MENTAL HEALTH IN PRIMARY CARE: INTEGRATIVE REVIEW, of the authors Fernanda Ribeiro Sobral and Claudine José Gomes Campos . The first offers reflective narrative about the assistance and how the professional positions himself in the interaction with a person diagnosed with schizophrenia. The other work is a review of literature on work in SM in primary health care. Still focusing more prominent on the professionals there is the work with nursing students and care about their mental health - CARE AND BE CARED: VIEW OF NURSING STUDENTS ON A PROJECT OF MENTAL HEALTH, of the authors Marcelle Paiano, Beatriz de Carvalho Ciaciare , Maria Angélica Pagliarini Waidman , Lílian Cristina Bento and Bruna da Costa.

Another category of articles refers to the mapping of psychosocial characteristics of users of support services aimed at the problem of the abuse of psychoactive substances. Two articles address this issue RESULTS OF MONITORING USERS OF PSYCHOSOCIAL CARE CENTER - ALCOHOL AND DRUGS (CAPS - AD), of the authors Rivelilson Mendes de Freitas, Helen Rute Rodrigues da Silva and Diego Santos de Araújo and ALCOHOLISM IN THE MIDWEST REGION OF MINAS GERAIS: SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC AND CLINICAL PROFILE AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, of the authors Richardson Miranda and Moacyr Lobo da Costa Júnior.

A third category gathers two articles that investigate the specific use of tobacco and legal and illegal drugs in college students. These two studies provide information that can be used in the management of the problem of drug use among young people. They are: TOBACCO USE AMONG NURSING STUDENTS FROM A PRIVATE COLLEGE, of the authors Bruno Pereira, Carolina Maia Martins Sales, Marilene Gonçalves França and Marluce Miguel de Siqueira and Research of the use of licit and Illicit drugs between college students of institutions of higher education (public and private) in the municipality of Picos, Piauí, of the authors Rivelilson Mendes de Freitas, Danelle da Silva Nascimento and Pauline Sousa dos Santos.

Readers are invited to visit this number of SMAD. Happy reading!