
Under such contexts and strong pressure from society and unions, the Brazilian Government announced Provisional Measure MP936 (DIEESE, 2020c), which temporarily provides for a reduction in the working hours or suspension of employment contracts, with the worker receiving complementary (for the former) or monthly (for the latter) allowances, through the Benefício Emergencial de Preservação do Emprego e da Renda (Employment and Income Preservation Emergency Allowance). However, according to DIEESE (2020c) itself, such measures have been shown to be insufficient in the face of such a crisis (health, economic, and social), in addition to the fact that resources do not quickly and adequately reach the workers who have been most affected by the pandemic. With the precariousness of work enhanced by the effects of the pandemic, Brazilian workers are increasingly distant from experiencing decent working conditions, a concept presented by the International Labor Organization (OIT, 2015), which advocates the integration of economic (creation of jobs and combating unemployment) with social objectives (social protection and guarantee of labor rights), to promote a dignified life and to tackle social inequality and exclusion.

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