ISSN 1678-4669 online version |
Scope and editorial policy |
The general scope in Psychology excludes articles of related areas, such as the publication of articles about Physical Education, Odontology and Nutrition, among others, as well as articles of Psychoanalysis. The sections of Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) will work with the following subjects: - Social Work Psychology - Themes in social policies: social assistance and rights guarantee system - Psychosocial aspects of interactions between people and diverse social environmental contexts The categories included for publication are: (1) ARTICLES. In the category ARTICLES are included: Manuscripts must be submitted by internet, exclusively through the website of the Journal ( ). All submission will be received under the condition of never being either published before nor being under evaluation by another periodical. Submissions will be firstly evaluated by the associated editorial. After its agreement, according with the instructions to authors, and being considered potentially publishable in Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) the manuscript will be delivered for evaluation by the peers. The process for evaluating the manuscripts is double blind review, which keeps the identity of authors and consultants undisclosed. The archives of works already published in Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) is available, as integral text, in the SciELO electronic library ( and in the PePSIC electronic library ( and must be consulted by authors planning to submit their work for the first time. Required documents for submission
Important note: the maximum accepted number of authors for one manuscript is ten (10) persons.
Preparation of the manuscripts
1. Manuscripts must be written in english to Psychobiology and Cognitive Psychology section; portuguese, english or spanish to Social Work Psychology section; portuguese, english or spanish toThemes in social policies: social assistance and rights guarantee system; portuguese, english or spanish to Psychosocial aspects of interactions between people and diverse social environmental contexts, according with the editorial rules established in the present instructions, which are adapted from the 6th edition (2010) of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). As an alternative to consulting this manual, we suggest to follow the Manuais de Normalização de Trabalhos Científicos available at the site of the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS-Psi ULAPSI Brasil) <>. The file of the manuscript must include: title, abbreviated title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, title, abstract and keywords in English, title, abstract and keywords in Spanish, the text of the work, organized in sections (with their respective subtitles), followed by the list of bibliographic references. If there are tables, figures, notes and appendixes, those must be included in the body of the manuscript, after the list of bibliographic references, one per page. Note: the presentation order of the abstracts must meet the chosen language. Example: article in english will be followed by the abstract, after that resumo in Portuguese and resumén in español. Article in Spanish will be followed by resumén, resumo in Portuguese and abstract. Article in Portuguese will be followed by the resumo, abstract and resumén. The file of the manuscript must be deposited in the website of the Journal, after filling the requirements of registering the submission as indicated there. The file must be done in any word processor convertible to the standard of Microsoft Word for Windows®. Files containing special edition resources, like control marks, special hyphenation or macros, will not be accepted. Here below are the features to be followed in formatting the manuscript:
It is fundamentally important for the material not to contain any identification of authorship, including reference to previous works by the author(s), method details enabling identification/localization of origin, as well as information contained in the fields of file properties of the document, in order not to invalidate the process of blind review by peers. To erase author properties in file properties you must go to "File" -> "Properties" in versions of Microsoft Office Word®older than version 2007, and to "File" -> "Prepare" -> "Properties" in Microsoft Office Word®2007. 2. The initial pages must contain:
Note: the initial pages are part of the continuous text, with no need to be submitted on separate sheets (e.g., the English title, abstract and keywords should be added just under the palavras-chave of the resumo in Portuguese and so on). 3. The page limits described below include all elements of the manuscript (titles, resumo, abstract, resumen, text, tables, figures, references, notes and appendices):
4. As previously indicated,tables, charts and figures must be included in the body of the text, after the bibliographic references, one on each page (taking into account the maximum number of pages allowed for each category). Its preparation must respect the following standards: black and white, font size 10, single-lined and never exceeding the size of 17.5 x 23.5 cm. As they are included at the end of the document sent, it is necessary to indicate, in the body of the text, the approximate location where they are to be placed. It is extremely important that, in the case of tables and charts, they are set in Word (or similar) and that they are not saved as pictures, if there is need of edition. In case of figures, the same should be included in the file in a copy-paste form (the command "insert" should not be used). Examples of tables, charts and figures: Table 3
*p = 0.05; **p = 0.01
Figure 1 5. The bibliographic references must be listed in alphabetic order, at the end of the main text, by author name and chronologically for each author, following the rules of the Publication Manual da American Psychological Association (APA), of 2010. Should indicate the number of Digital Object Identifier System (DOI) of scientific articles. Here we give the most common cases for orientation, including characters in italics and in French indentation,with a space of about 5 characters from the second line of each entry, a format to be used in the manuscripts submitted to the Journal:
6. Bibliographic references without literal citation must be incorporated into the text, in brackets and in alphabetical order, following the standard:
7. In the case of literal citation, as well as in a fragment of an interview, the piece of text must appear between quotation marks and, just after it, indicating the page(s) from which it was taken. Citations with more than 40 words must be placed in a separated block, without changing the size or font style, with complete left indentation of about 5 characters (equivalent to 0.5 cm). Notations for presenting citations, given in the Publication Manualof the APA can be consulted. See the following example: Keller (2002) states that the first task of a child's development is to develop learning relationships with primary caregivers, and he conceptualizes learning as: a development process, guided by epigenetic rules that direct babies' attention for their social partners and allow an easier learning of the parameters that define the relationships within a particular context, and consequently the development of a self-context (p. 217). According to Souza and Paiva (2013), "Youth is not a concept that is given, but several concepts that are the result of a specific historical representation of this” (p. 353). 8. Footnotes must be restricted to complements of data that, judged as relevant, do not fall into the logic sequence of the main text. Bibliographic notes are not recommended. 9. Any additional material considered indispensable for understanding the text (questionnaires, interview protocols, tests, etc.) or too large tables must go as Appendices, in new pages, identified by uppercase letters (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.). Numbering each table given in the Appendix must be preceded by the letter identifying the appendix (table A1, Table C4, etc.). The Publication Manualof the APA can be consulted for details. 10. Presentation of results from statistical analyzes: carefully observe the APA standards. |
Procedures for submission and evaluation of the manuscripts
Manuscripts fitting the modalities specified above, and rigorously following the criteria for manuscript submission, will be subjected to the following process: 1. Preliminary evaluation: - Quality and pertinence of the manuscript with the thematic axes of interest of the Journal will be evaluated, considering originality and theoretic-methodological coherence, and in terms of the section to which the manuscript was sent. Such evaluation will be made by the editorial in charge of Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) and, eventually, by a member of the Editorial Commission of the Journal, and might eventually result in rejection. 2. Initial verification:The full compliance of the manuscript to the following requirements will be checked:
Noncompliance of any of these five items is enough for an INITIAL REJECTION of the work, for what we recommend the authors to carefully check their manuscripts before submission. We emphasize that manuscripts REJECTED TWICE for noncompliance to these items are not to be received again for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of refusal. 3. Peerevaluation: after evaluation of the abovementioned items, the manuscript will be submitted to a minimum of two peer reviewers, members of the Scientific Conceal of the Journal and/or ad hoc consultants, with the following possibilities:
4. Notification to authors: after peer review, the authors will receive one of the following decisions:
We emphasize that the peer evaluation process uses the double blind review system, which hides the identity of authors and consultants. It is for this reason that the authorship of the manuscript being not revealed is an indispensable criterion for starting the evaluation process. There is no fee for submission and review articles. |
The approval of the manuscript implies the immediate cession and without obligations, of the publication rights to the Journal Estudos de Psicologia (Natal), which will have the exclusivity to publish it from first hand. The author, nevertheless, will keep the authorship rights for subsequent publications. In the case of re-publication of articles in other media, we recommend to mention its first publication made in Estudos de Psicologia (Natal). |
Revista Estudos de Psicologia (Natal)
Caixa Postal 1622, Natal/ RN; CEP: 59.078-970
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