Print version ISSN 0120-0534 |
Content: Both empirical and theoretical articles related to basic and applied problems in all Psychology areas are accepted. Form: Articles should conform the international standards of the American Psychological Association (2001 version). Manuscripts which do not fulfill these standards will be given back to their authors to be checked and corrected References should be referred to in the text by name and year: e. g. Estes (2000), Valdés Caraveo (2005), Ortiz, Borré, Carrillo y Gutierrez (2006), Wolfang (1997). All sources of information (articles, books, book chapters, internet references, congresses lectures, personal communications) should be cited in alphabetical order by author at the end of the article in the reference list. There are some examples below: Estes, W. K. (2000). Basic methods of psychological science. En K. Pawlik & R. M. Rosenzweig (Eds.), International handbook of psychology (pp.20-39). Londres: SAGE. Ortiz, J. A., Borré, A., Carrillo, S. y Gutiérrez, G. (2006). Relación de apego en madres adolescentes y sus bebés canguro. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 38, 71-86. Valdés Caraveo, R. (2004). Factores que influyen en el comportamiento preventivo del cáncer cervicouterino. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 22, 49-59. Wolfgang, A. (1997). Nonverbal behavior. Perspectives, applications, intercultural insights. Seattle, WA: Hogrefe & Huber. Figures and Tables: Each one of them should be sent on a separate page. The figures, tables and photographs (if any) should be ready to be printed. Neither color photographs nor color pictures will be published. Language: Standard Spanish as general and simple as possible should be used. Regionalism usage should be avoided. The following terms are preferred: refuerzo (instead of reforzamiento), evocar (instead of elicitar), psicoterapeuta (instead of psicoterapista), profesional (instead of profesionista), completar o llenar (instead of cumplimentar). Acronyms: They can be used as long as the complete expressions are introduced the first time. For example: after its introduction, Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) will be used in the text only as EPI. Manuscript: Send the article in Word format via e-mal to the Journal's editor. The length of the manuscript shouldn't exceed 25 pages, including tables and figures. Offprint: The author will receive a eletronic copy of his article in PDF format only for its academic distribution. Journal subscription by the authors: All the authors who submit their articles to RLP must become journal subscribers during the year of the submission, whether the institution is or is not a journal subscriber. |
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