(Trends in Psychology) ISSN 2358-1883
(Temas em Psicologia) ISSN 2175-3652


Editorial aims and policy
I. Types of accepted manuscripts
II. Author´s instructions
III. Ethical Issues
IV. Manuscripts guidelines
V. Consideration by the editorial board
VI. Copyrights


We announce that Trends in Psychology will be published in partnership with Springer. From October 25, 2019, article submissions should be made through the journal's Springer website (https://www.springer.com/journal/43076). Access the guidelines for submissions and subscriptions. SBP members will have free access to the journal and authors will not have fees for publication.


Editorial aims and policy

Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia publishes empirical research reports, historical, theoretical and conceptual studies, professional experience reports, critical literature reviews, technical notes and letters to the editors. The quarterly journal (March, June, September and December) aims to publish scientific articles that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in all areas of Psychology. It is intended for students, professionals and researchers of Psychology and related fields.


Important note:  In 2019, Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia will start publishing numbers only in English. From August 1st, 2018, articles must be submitted in English and the authors must guarantee the quality of the essay in that language. Non-native authors of English-speaking countries must present translation certification or revision of the text by a professional or company accredited by the journal or by a professional/company proven native of English-speaking countries. If the authors do not accept the terms of translation/revision, the manuscript cannot be publishedby this journal. If you have any questions, please contact the journal's secretariat: comissaoeditorial@sbponline.org.br


I. Types of accepted manuscripts

  1. Empirical study: Report of original research with a description of the aims, methods, results and discussion. The discussion should include limitations of the study and possible implications.
  2. Literature review: Synthesis and critical reviews of previously published studies (meta-analysis and systematic reviews of the literature). The study should describe the methodological procedures of the search and analysis of the literature reviewed.
  3. Theoretical/conceptual study: original analysis of theories or concepts of Psychology, seeking to problematize reflections or thesis of a specific aspect of literature towards its theoretical refinement.
  4. Experience report/case study: original article providing a description of intervention procedures and strategies with individuals, groups, communities or organizations. Results and possible implications for the professional practice should be presented and discussed.
  5. Technical report/note: description of instruments, original research methods, new data analysis techniques.
  6. Letter to the editors: comments and updates about the journal directed to the editors to be published at the discretion of the editor with the consent of the sender.


Articles included in sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 should not exceed 30 pages, including abstract, resumo, resumen, text, references, figures and tables (when relevant). Technical report/note (Section 5) and Letters to the Editors (Section 6) should not exceed 10 pages, including the text, references, figures and tables (when relevant). The number of tables and figures altogether should not exceed six (6).


II. Author´s instructions

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the publishing process management system, available athttp://submission-pepsic.scielo.br/index.php/tp/. Manuscripts received by regular mail, fax, email or any other form of transmission will not be considered by the Editorial Board. After the submission of the manuscript in the electronic system, the authors will receive a confirmation message. The average processing time between the submission of the manuscript and its publication is one year.

There are no fees for submission and processing.

The following conditions are necessary for manuscripts submitted to the journal to be considered for editorial review:

  1. Manuscripts should conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA),6th Edition, 2010.
  2. Empirical, quantitative, qualitative, or mixed approach studies, must include the following subtopics in the Method section: Participants, Instruments, Data collection procedures, Data analysis procedures, Ethical procedures.
  3. The Results and Discussion topics should be separated in quantitative articles, however, may be integrated in qualitative articles.
  4. At least 40% of all references must have been published in the last 5 years. In the case of historical research articles, the editorial board may consider the body of references without this criterion.
  5. They must present the abstract in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
  6. They must not have been published in any other vehicle of disclosure.
  7. They must not be under consideration for publication in any other vehicle of disclosure.
  8. All authors of the manuscript must have previously approved its submission.
  9. Any person cited as a source of personal communication must have previously approved their citation.
  10. The authors must submit a declaration that all ethical procedures were followed.



1)   Articles that are not in accordance with the rules of the APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition, 2010, will automatically be rejected.

2)   The Journal rejection rate of articles in 2016 was approximately 70%.

3)   Quantitative empirical articles must comply with the assumptions of the tests used. These assumptions must be tested and their results should be presented in the manuscript.


III. Ethical Issues

Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia follows the national and international standards for ethical aspects of research involving human subjects (Resolution 510/2016 of the National Health Council & IUPsys - Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists), and bases its editorial process on the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE. Obs. Any works that have followed Resolution 466/2012 will also be considered for evaluation.

Accordingly, Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia presents the following criteria for publication: 

It is the responsibility of the authors:

1. To present a list of references at the end of the manuscript;

2. To report any financial support (if applicable);

3. To ensure that the manuscript submitted for publication has not been submitted to or published in any other vehicles of communication;

4. To declare that all the authors of the manuscript actively participated in the development process of the manuscript, significantly contributing to the study;

5. To ensure that the data are real, and that there is no kind of plagiarism in the manuscript;

6. To ensure that all ethical principles outlined in resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council (CNS) have been followed.

7. The authors must declare explicitly and individually any potential, direct and/or indirect, financial or nonfinancial conflict of interest.

It is the responsibility of the Trends in Psychology editorial board:

1. To rigorously, objectively and fairly evaluate all manuscripts submitted to the journal, without any kind of distinction;

2. To provide the authors of the evaluated manuscript with objective, constructive and, above all, informative opinions;

3. To choose reviewers who do not have a conflict of interest in the publication of the manuscript, in relation to the authors, the study objectives or the supporting entity. If any of the referees report a conflict of interest, the Editorial Board will send the manuscript to another ad hoc referee.

4. To ensure that the manuscript is submitted to the double blind review process. Namely, to ensure the preservation of the identity of the authors of the manuscript from the reviewers, as well as ensuring the preservation of the identity of the reviewers from the authors of the manuscript.

5. To carry out the processing of manuscripts as quickly as possible.

6. To ensure that any editorial decision will be based only on the importance, quality, originality and merit of the manuscript.

The Trends in Psychology editorial board is also committed to:

1. Seeking the constant development of the Journal through expanding the indexing sources, the journal’s scope and of the editorial quality;

2. Publishing, whenever necessary, corrections, clarifications and retractions by the authors.

For more information on all the ethical procedures of the Trends in Psychology editorial process, see the Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): http://publicationethics.org/files/Ethical_guidelines_for_peer_reviewers_0.pdf

IV. Manuscripts guidelines

Due to being a solely electronic publication, the manuscript may contain, when necessary, figures or color photos. According to the Publication Manual of the APA 6th Edition, colors are not allowed in tables.


The article should be typed in a program compatible with Word for Windows 6.0 or higher, in Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced and left aligned. The page should be A4 size with 2.5 cm margins on all sides (i.e., top, bottom, left and right). Words or expressions of foreign origin, foreignisms and statistical symbols should be in italics.


The presentation of the works must follow the following order:


1. Personalized cover sheet containing:

1.1. Full title in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The full title should not exceed 15 words.

1.2. Suggestion for abbreviated title for the header in the original language of the manuscript. The abbreviated title should not exceed four words. 

1.3. Name of each author and their institutional affiliations. The inclusion of the ORCID of each author is recommended (see orcid.org).

1.4. Indication of address for correspondence with the Editorial Board, including FAX (if any), telephone and email address.

1.5. Indication of the author responsible for correspondence with the readers including address and email contact.


1.6. When necessary, a paragraph acknowledging financial support, collaboration of colleagues and technicians and other ethically necessary facts should be included.

1.7. Author note with other information deemed relevant (optional).


1.8. The Cover Sheet should be numbered with the number 1, with the other manuscript pages numbered in sequence.


2. Personalized cover sheet without identification:

2.1. Full title in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

2.2. Suggestion for abbreviated title.


3. Page containing the Abstract in English, Portuguese (Resumo) and Spanish (Resumen):

The Abstract should be between 150 to 200 words, followed by three to five keywords for indexing of the work. The keywords should be chosen with adequate accuracy for classification purposes, allowing the work to be recovered with similar works. Thus, keywords should be chosen that would possibly be used by a researcher making a bibliographical survey on the theme of the manuscript.


4. The text itself

This part of the manuscript should begin on a new page, containing an easily recognized organization, indicated by headings and, when necessary, subheadings (for organization of headings and subheadings, see Publication Manual of the APA 6thEdition, 2010). The places suggested for inserting figures and tables should be clearly indicated in the text. 

Footnotes should be limited to supplemental information that, deemed relevant, cannot be included in the logical sequence of the text; They should be kept to a minimum.

Author citations must comply with the rules of the APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition, 2010. In the case of a full transcript of a passage, the transcript must be enclosed by quotation marks and the citation of the author should be followed by the cited page number. Literal quotations should be avoided, however, should be presented in one block when they have 40 or more words, starting on a new line, indented 0.5 cm on each side, in the position of a new paragraph. The same font size as the text (12) must be used. 

References should be placed on a new page. The list of references should be in double space format, as in the examples below.


Examples of references:

         Scientific journal article with DOI

Lyubomirsky, S., & Lepper, H. S. (1999). A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation.Social Indicators Research, 46(1), 137–155. doi:10.1023/A:1006824100041


         Scientific journal article without DOI

Hutz, C. S., & Zanon, C. (2011). Revisão da adaptação, validação e normatização da escala de autoestima de Rosenberg. Avaliação Psicológica, 10(1), 41-49. Retrieved from: http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/pdf/avp/v10n1/v10n1a05.pdf


         Scientific journal article with more than seven authors

Caprara, G. V.Alessandri, G.Eisenberg, N.Kupfer, A.Steca, P.Caprara, M. G., ..., & Abela, J. (2012). The Positivity Scale. Psychological Assessment, 24(3), 701–712. doi:10.1037/a0026681


         Book chapter

Steger, M. F. (2009). Meaning in life. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Oxford handbook of positive psychology (2nd ed., pp. 679-687). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


         Chapter of republished book

Rosenmayr, L. (1985). Changing values and positions of aging in Western culture. In J. E. Birren & K. W. Schaie (Eds.), Handbook of the psychology of aging (2nded., pp. 190-215). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.


Other forms of citation, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition, 2010.


5. Figures

Should be submitted at the end of the text, one on each page, and include a legend. To ensure the quality of reproduction, figures containing drawings should be sent in photography quality. As there are limits to the width of figures in the published version (PDF), authors should take care that the legends can still be read if reduction is necessary. The title should not be part of the figure, but should be presented separately as text.


6. Tables

Should be submitted at the end of the text, one on each page, including title and legend (when necessary). Authors should limit their width to 60 characters for simple tables that occupy one printed column, including three spaces between columns, and limit their width to 125 characters, for tables that occupy two printed columns. The length of tables should not exceed 55 lines, including title and notes.


7. Attachments/Appendices

These should be presented only when they contain original information that is important or indispensable for the understanding of the work. Authors submitting instrument validation articles may attach the version of the instrument used. In other cases, avoiding this is recommended.


V. Consideration by the editorial board

The manuscripts received will be considered by the Editorial Board. If they are in accordance with the journal's publication standards, they will be sent to ad hoc reviewers. The evaluation follows a double-blind review procedure. The identity of the authors and their institutional affiliations will not be revealed to the reviewers. Similarly, the identity of the evaluators will not be reported to the authors. The Editorial Board will consider the appraisals of the reviewers and notify the authors of their decision, which may be accepted without modification, accepted with request for redrafting, need for extensive redrafting, resubmit for new consideration or refusal. Along with the editorial decision, the authors will receive copies of the reviews.


In the case of request for redrafting, the changes should be made by the authors and the revised manuscript resubmitted to the system. The revised manuscript should contain all revisions marked in red and be accompanied by a detailed letter to the editors, highlighting the revisions made. All suggestions and comments should be answered, even when the revision is not accepted (in this case, justification must be given). The revised version will undergo further consideration by the Editorial Board and by external evaluators. As many changes as necessary can be requested for a possible final acceptance of the text. The Editorial Board will take the final decision regarding the publication of the manuscript. Finally, it should be noted that the request for redrafting does not necessarily imply acceptance for publication of the reformulated manuscript.


The Editorial Board can make small changes in the text. If the manuscript is accepted for publication a proof of the final revision will be sent to the authors. This revision should be returned accompanied by a demonstration of approval by the author and co-authors, if applicable. The average processing time of the manuscript between submission and its publication is one year.


Note: The Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia journal does not correct the texts submitted ​​with regard to grammatical, spelling and concordance aspects. This task is the exclusive obligation of the authors of the manuscript as a step prior to submission. Articles will be published under the responsibility of the authors.


VI. Copyrights

1. Articles published in the Trends in Psychology/Temas emPsicologia journal

The copyright of the articles published belong to the Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia journal. The reproduction in other publications, or for any other purpose, is subject to the written consent of the editor of Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia. The partial reproduction of articles (parts of text that exceed 500 words, tables, figures and other illustrations) must have written permission of the authors of the article reproduced.


2. Partial reproduction of other publications in articles published in the Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia journal

When the manuscripts submitted for publication contain parts extracted from other publications, they must comply with the limits specified in the preceding item. Avoiding the reproduction of figures, tables and illustrations is recommended. The acceptance of any manuscript that contains this type of reproduction depends on the written authorization for reproduction, from the copyright holder of the original work, addressed to the author of the work submitted to the Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia journal. Under no circumstances will the Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologiajournal transfer reproduction rights thus obtained.


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Av. Professor João Fiúsa, 1901, sala 710
Jardim Botânico - CEP 14024-250
Ribeirão Preto/SP - Brasil
Tel.: +55 16 3625-9366
