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Estudos de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0100-3437
MURIBECA, Maria das Mercês Maia. From the feminine sexuality to the feminine into the human psychosexuality origin. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2010, n.33, pp.101-108. ISSN 0100-3437.
This work aims to develop some reflection about the construction of feminine subjectivity in psychoanalysis supported by the Original Seduction Theory or Generalized from Jean Laplanche and also the proposal from Jacques André into the origins of feminine sexuality existence. In this meaning, we would like to mark that the Original Seduction Theory makes enables to see the feminine psychogenesis from a very different view. Thinking of feminine sexuality in an endogenism of sexual drive basis or a childish sexuality basis that everybody has itself, as it would bring an unconscious, present since the beginning, it is not the same of putting it in an exogenous formation of sexual drive basis. In this way, we observed that the Original Seduction Theory and the Traductive Theory of Reiterate completely modifies the way we see the unconscious foundations, the psychic system and the human psychosexuality origin, specialty, the feminity.
Keywords : Psychoanalysis; seduction theory and translation of the repressed; Human psychosexuality; Feminine.