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Estudos de Psicanálise
versión impresa ISSN 0100-3437
JUHAS, Thiago Robles y SANTOS, Niraldo de Oliveira. Still in theaters, "Estamira": Psychoanalysis in Cinema screens. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2011, n.36, pp.157-164. ISSN 0100-3437.
This paper aims to discuss and articulate the relationship between cinema and psychoanalysis. To achieve this goal, it was analyzed the documentary Estamira, of Marcos Prado, 2006. The film tells the story of a woman suffering from mental disorders who had worked for years at the sanitary landfill (a dump) in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Cinema as an expression of art relates to various forms of psychoanalysis, they also deals with the subjectivity of those involved in film production. The director, despite not having a prior intention, holds a place of psychoanalytic object and listens carefully, which resembles the function of an analyst. Estamira passes her narrative of true that is outstanding, but in the same time confuses and impacts. In psychosis, the case of Estamira, the delusions is an answer for traumatic events that could not be assimilated, they are responses to circumstances of great suffering. The character elucidates the mechanism of delusion, showing that the only possible response to the violence she experienced was the delusions and hallucinations.
Palabras clave : Psychoanalysis; Cinema; Psychosis; Delusions.