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Estudos de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0100-3437


LIMA, Denise Maria de Oliveira. About guilt: What fault is that?. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2012, n.38, pp.53-58. ISSN 0100-3437.

This paper deals with the Freudian contribution to the question of guilt, which manifests itself primarily in the sense of failure of those who succeed in the accomplishment of his desire, succumb to mental breakdown. Freud turns to literature to illustrate the loss of what, for years, with dogged perseverance, fought for her husband to become king, at the expense of the murder of his rival: Lady Macbeth, terrible and evil character of Shakespeare, and Ibsen, her character Rebecca, unscrupulous woman, to have the man who had fallen in love, induces his wife to suicide. Secondly, Freud brings us to the intriguing hypothesis of "guilt by criminals", in that it not comes from de crime committed, but precedes it.

Palavras-chave : Guilty; Edipo´s complex; Desire; Unconscious.

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