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Estudos de Psicanálise
versão impressa ISSN 0100-3437
SALLES, Ana Cristina Teixeira da Costa e CECCARELLI, Paulo Roberto. How it goes about the sexual and sexuality in our days?. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2014, n.41, pp.23-29. ISSN 0100-3437.
The authors propose a reflection on the relationship between sex and sexuality today. Based on the findings and reflexions of Freud presented many in Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality and Modern Sexual Morality and Modern, the authors discuss the relations between modern sexual repression nervousness today. The subjects dealt with in this article lead directly to the theme of the XX Congress of the Brazilian Circle of Psychoanalysis and the XXXI Journey of Psychoanalysis of the Psychoanalytic Circle of Minas Gerais: sexual and sexualities. The interest of the authors is to know, especially from the clinical perspective, whether and to what extent a certain loosening of sexual morality reflects in the sexual.
Palavras-chave : Sexual; Sexuality; Contemporaneity; Modern nervousness; Psychoanalysis in contemporaneity.