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Estudos de Psicanálise
versão impressa ISSN 0100-3437
LOLLO, Paolo e LOLLO, Cristiane Cardoso. Bellum, bellus: War of sexes. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2015, n.44, pp.71-81. ISSN 0100-3437.
The war brings with it the horror of death and destruction. Horror that the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke calls schreklich at one of his elegies, and which is but the arrival of a shining beginning, bellus (das Schöne). At one side the war, the confrontation between two armies, on the other love, a face to face of two beings in their seach for desire. On both sides two beings face each other through indecision and doubt, though also a relantionship that unite and divide. Sexual relation might be experienced as a conflict, a power relationship and a continous strain, or as love relationship were differences are handled. A man and a woman are parted by their sexual difference. Sex war is the consequence of a bellum grounded relationship, a strenght fight, a quantititative struggle in which strenght power dissimilarity acts as the only possible difference. A conflict between Diké (Justice) and Nomos (Law) also exists. A conflict that also is a binding instance and a tension. Diké plays as the oral law that procedes and establishes Nomos, the written law. In the beginning (am Anfang) the gods justice and human law are face to face, at balance, some kind of equilibrium, then they spread apart and grow to conflict. Art, the beautiful (das Schöne), is the founding act of every human relationship. The creative act, that in which the beginning appears at his beauty, harmonizes the god’s and man’s justice. Justice and law arise from a parting act which is the same as a creative one. Each creation is a differentiation act that spreads apart but which, for a moment, doesn’t conflicts. There are two moments to this separation, two sucessive moments that produce bellus and bellum. The first privileges the bond, the second opposition. This relationship allows that the ‘two’, the real, cames after the ‘one’. Oedipus kills the real father and as so erases its origin, the symbolic ‘one’. Antigone at the sametime is his sister and his daughter. She cames from an incest. How to throw away the curse that came from such sacrilege? How to repair the crime from Oedipus the father?
Palavras-chave : Bellum; Bellus; War; Love; Joy; Law; Sideration; Desideration.