Estudos de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0100-3437
MURIBECA, Maria das Mercês Maia. Psychopathy, violence and cruelty: sadistic and systematic sexual aggressors. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2017, n.48, pp.157-165. ISSN 0100-3437.
Understanding the desire expressed in the behavior of systematic or hyperviolent sadistic sexual aggressors is not an easy task, especially as we enter the area of homicides, where violence and cruelty become intertwined in their relationship to sexuality and death. The psychoanalytic experienceis called upon to deal with what underlies or gives rise to the suffering and the dynamics of human actions, which is always abstract and subjective. In this line of thought, and in addition to the eagerness to find answers to the questions of life, we immerse ourselves in the world of sex criminal psychopaths with the intention of understanding: why they did not succeed in their mission to fulfill their insertion in the civilizing process? Why are there failures in the assembly of the superego, in the construction of its personality, in the composition of its psychosexuality? Why are you imprisoned in a universe of violence and cruelty in relation to your sexual fantasies, where hostility and sadism spin and weave the lines of a morbid enjoyment? Psychopaths, sexual homicides: crime, violence and cruelty. Let’s look closer!
Keywords : Psychopathy; Violence; Cruelty; Sexual aggressors.