Print version ISSN 0101-3106
MAGDALENO JUNIOR, Ronis. Eros' dialectic and the civilization and its discontents. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2008, vol.31, n.46, pp.46-51. ISSN 0101-3106.
The objective of the present study is to launch a psychoanalytic glance at the culture, to reflect about the contemporary clinical practice and the place of the psychoanalyst within this changed and ever changing society in relation to the society in which Freud wrote and registered his work. The author proposes a reflection on what happens in the culture as of the XX century, aiming at expanding the reach of the method regarding the new patient that shows up for psychoanalysis. Stemming from two great works of Freud about the culture, Group psychology and analysis of the ego and The ailment in the Culture, the author proposes the theory that instead of mankind destroying himself, as Freud feared,found, as a species, an escape that protects him from anihilation leading to a reflexive void, that manifests itself through an impoverishment of the language, and that isolates mankind in his own narcissism. The clinical implications of this anthropological change are exemplified through clinical material.
Keywords : Adolescent; Culture; Post-modern times; Psychoanalysis.